Personal Information
Name: Xiaojing Zheng
Date of Birth: May 12, 1958
Nationality: China
Institution: College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address: 222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Tel: +86-+86-931-891-4560, Fax: +86-931-891-4560.
Email: xjzheng@lzu.edu.cn
Feb. 1985-Nov. 1987
Ph.D in Mechanics, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Feb. 1982-Jul. 1984
M.S in Solid Mechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Feb. 1978-Jan. 1982
B.S in Mechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
May 1993-Aug. 1995
Visiting Professor, University of Kentuky, USA
Sept. 1993-Jan. 1995
Research Associate, Clarkson University, USA
Jul. 2001-Oct. 2001
Senior Visiting Scholar, University of Delaware, USA
Dec 1987-Jun 1992
Lecturer & Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jun 1992-present
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Dec 2009-present
Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Oct 2010
Academician, The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
Jun 2012-present
Professor, Xidian University, Xi’an, China
Research Areas
Environmental Mechanics of Wind-blown Sands
Electromagnetic Solid Mechanics
Nonlinear Solid Mechanics of Elastic Plates and Shells
Members and Activities
1. 2006-2010, 2014-2018, Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM)
2. 2010-2014, Invited member of the board of directors of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM)
3. 2004-2008, Member of the advisory Committee of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
4. 2001-2015, Fellow of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
5. 2016-2021, Vice-Chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
6. 2016-present, Member of the Advisory Committee of TWAS (Engineering Sciences)
7. 2011-2017, Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Acta Mechanica Solid Sinica’
8. 2016-present, Associate Editor of the ‘Computers, Materials & Continua’ (CMC), Editorial Advisory Panel of the ‘Theoretical And Applied Mechanics Letters’
9. 2018-present, Member of the board of directors of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM)
1. China Science and Technology Award for Young Scholars (1988)
2. The Ph.D with Outstanding Contributions in China (1991)
3. Gainer of the Special government allowances (1992)
4. National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (1997)
5. Baogang Excellent Teacher Award (Special Awards, 1997)
6. the 2nd Class of National Science and Technology Progress Awards of China (2007, 2/10)
7. the 1st Class of 'Xu Zhilun' Mechanics Awards (2007)
8. the 'Van Duzer' Prize, by IEEE Council on Superconductivity, USA (2007)
9. the 2nd Class of National Natural Science Awards, by Chinese State Council (2008, 1/2)
10. the 2nd Class of the National Education Achievement Awards (2008)
11. Member of the Third World Academy of Sciences (2010)
12. the National 10 excellent Scientific and Technological researchers (nomination, 2012)
13. the ‘Ho Leung Ho Lee’ Awards for Science and Technology Progress (2014)
14. the ‘Zhou Peiyuan’ Mechanics Awards (2017)
Research Grants
1. Constructing the ecological industry, and exploring the industrial pathway of ecological management in the northern desertification area, CAS consultation and advisory Committee project (2016ZWH003A-003), 2016.05-2017.04, PI
2. Turbulent Structure and Dynamical Mechanisms of Wind-Blown Sand Movement at High Reynolds Number, NSFC major project (11490550), 2015.01-2019.12, PI
3. Research on the dynamical detection method with metal magnetic memory concerning the track damage of high speed railway, NSFC project (11472201), 2015.01-2018.12, PI
4. Research on the wind-blown sand disasters and demonstration of relative control technologies in Minqin, Gansu, National Key Technology R&D Program (2013BAC07B00), 2013.01-2016.12, PI
5. Measurement and analysis of flow features and turbulent structures in wind-blown sand flows / sandstorms, NSFC key project (11232006), 2013.01-2017.12, PI
6. Measurements of the spatial and temporal variations of wind-blown sand electric fields and development of the relative instruments, NSFC project (11072097), 2011.01-2013.12, PI
7. Research on the dust flux distribution during sand storm events, NSFC project (10872082), 2009.01-2011.12, PI
8. Some key mechanic problems in the research of wind-blown sands, NSFC key project (10532040), 2006.01-2009.12, PI
9. Mechanical behavior of giant magnetostrictive smart structures under the coupling of force-magnetic-thermal-electric effects, NSFC project (90405005), 2005.01-2009.12, PI
10. Theory and application of the elastic coupling of electromagnetic solid, NSFC Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (197252070), 1998.01-2001.12, PI
Refereed Publications
1. Zheng X J, Large Deflection Theory of Circular Thin Plates and its Applications, Jilin Science and Technology Press, China, 1990 (sponsored by Chinese Association of Science & Technology and selected into 'the Scientific Series for Chinese Young Scholars').
2. Zhou Y H, Zheng X J, Mechanics of Electromagnetic Solid and Structures, Science Press, China, 1999. (sponsored by the National Foundation for Academic Publication of Science & Technology)
3. Zheng X J, Mechanics of Wind-blown Sand Movements, Springer-Verlag, Germany, 2009. (selected into the “Environmental Science and Engineering Series”).
4. Zheng X J, Wang P, Mechanics and Dust Storms, china higher education press, China, 2011. (The Popular Mechanics Series)
5. Zhang H, Bo T L, Zheng X J*, 2017. Evaluation of the electrical properties of dust storms by multi-parameter observations and theoretical calculations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 461: 141-150.
6. Wang X N, Zheng X J*, Wang P, 2017. Direct numerical simulation of particle-laden plane turbulent wall jet and the influence of Stokes number. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 92: 82-92.
7. Wang G H, Zheng X J*, 2016. Very large scale motions in the atmospheric surface layer: a field investigation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 802: 464-489.
8. Wang G H, Bo T L, Zhang J H, Zhu W, Zheng X J*, 2014. Transition region where the large-scale and very large scale motions coexist in atmospheric surface layer: wind tunnel investigation. Journal of Turbulence, 15(3): 172-185.
9. Zheng X J*, 2013. Electrification of wind-blown sand: Recent advances and key issues. European Physical Journal E, 36: 138.
10. Zheng X J, Fu L T, Bo T L*, 2013. Incident velocity and incident angle of saltating sand grains on Mars. New Journal of Physics, 15(4), 043014.
11. Bo T L*, Zheng X J, 2013. Numerical simulation of the evolution and propagation of aeolian dune fields toward a desert-oasis zone. Geomorphology, 180-181: 24-32.
12. Duan S Z, Zhu W, Zheng X J*, 2013. Numerical investigation on two-grain-bed collisions in windblown sand transport. Powder Technology, 235: 431-436.
13. Jin K, Kou Y, Zheng X J*, 2012. The resonance frequency shift characteristic of Terfenol-D rods for magnetostrictive actuators. Smart Materials and Structures, 21: 045020.
14. Li X C, Xie L, Zheng X J*, 2012. The comparison between the mie theory and the rayleigh approximation to calculate the EM scattering by partially charged sand, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 113(3): 251-258.
15. Zhu L L, Zheng X J*, 2010. Modification of the elastic properties of nanostructures with surface charges in applied electric fields. European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids, 29: 337-347.
16. Yang Y*, Zheng, X J, 2008. Effect of parameters of a high-temperature superconductor levitation system on the lateral force. Superconductor Science and Technology, 21(1): 015021.
17. Gou X F*, Zheng X J*, Zhou Y H*, 2007. Drift of levitated/suspended body in high-T-c superconducting levitation systems under vibration-Part 1: A criterion based on magnetic force-gap relation for gap varying with time. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 17(3): 3795-3802.
18. Gou X F*, Zheng X J*, Zhou Y H*, 2007. Drift of levitated/suspended body in High-T-c superconducting levitation systems under vibration-Part II: Drift velocity for gap varying with time. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 17(3): 3803-3808.
19. Zhu L L, Qiao L, Zheng X J*, 2007. Molecular dynamics simulation of the elastic properties of metal nanowires in a transverse electric field. Nanotechnology, 18(38): 385703.
20. Zheng X J*, Zhu L L, 2006. Theoretical analysis of electric field effect on the Young's modulus of nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 89: 153110.
21. Sun L, Zheng X J*, 2006. Numerical simulation on coupling behavior of Terfenol-D rods. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43(6): 1613-1623.
22. Zheng X J, Huang N*, Zhou Y H, 2003. Laboratory measurement of electrification of wind-blown sands and simulation of its effect on and saltation movement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108(D10): D104322.
23. Zheng X J*, Wang X Z, 2003. A magnetoelastic theoretical model for soft ferromagnetic shell in magnetic field. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40: 6897-6912.
24. Zheng X J, Zhou Y H, Lee J S, 1999. Instability of superconducting partial torus with two pin supports. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 125(2): 174-179.
25. Yeh K Y, Zheng X J, Zhou Y H, 1989. An analytical formula of the exact solution for von Karman equations of a circular plate under a concentrated load. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 24: 551-560.