Name: Chunlin Pan
Date of Birth: Feb. 8, 1984
Nationality: China
Institution: College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address: 222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Email: pancl@lzu.edu.cn
Sept. 2011-Dec. 2016 Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Supervisor: Prof. Qiang Yu
Sept. 2008-Jul. 2011 M.S. in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
Tsinghua University , Beijing, China
Supervisor: Prof. Hongzhi Zhong
Sept. 2001-Jul. 2005 B.E. in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
Oct. 2017-present Associate Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Research Areas
Mechanics of Materials Composite Materials Micromechanics Numerical Analysis
Hypercomplex Analysis
Visiting Positions
Members and Activities
Research Grants
Sept. 2011-Dec. 2016: University of Pittsburgh
2011-2014 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC Grant,NRC-38-10-924,Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Project, Co-I
Sept. 2008-Jul. 2011: Tsinghua University
2008-2011 Development and Application of Weak-form Quadrature Element Method, NCSF, Co-I
Refereed Publications
1. Pan, C., & Yu, Q*. (2017). Investigation of an arbitrarily shaped inclusion embedded in a two- dimensional finite domain. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 126,142-150
2. Pan, C., & Yu, Q*. (2015). Disturbed elastic fields in a circular 2D finite domain containing a circular inhomogeneity and a finite interfacial zone. Acta Mechanica, 226(5), 1457-1470
3. Pan, C., & Yu, Q*. An investigation on the elastic fields in 2D bounded domains disturbed by multiple circular inhomogeneous inclusions. Engineering Mechanics Institute 2015, Stanford University, CA, 2015
4. Pan, C., Yu, Q.*, & Lin, JS. Size effect of crack propagation in a layered quasibrittle domain containing a frictional interface. Engineering Mechanics Institute 2015, Stanford University, CA, 2015.
5. Pan, C., & Yu, Q*. (2014). Inclusion problem of a two-dimensional finite domain: The shape effect of matrix. Mechanics of Materials, 77, 86-97
6. Pan, C., & Yu, Q*. Disturbance in 2D Finite Domains Containing A Circular Inclusion. 17th National Congress on Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Michigan State University, June 15-20, 2014
7. Yu, Q.*, Pan, C., & Tong, T. A multi-Scale Material Model for Predicting the Multi-Decade Behavior of Concrete Structures. ASCE Structures Congress 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, 2013
8. Zhong, H*., Pan, C., & Yu, H. (2011). Buckling analysis of shear deformable plates using the quadrature element method. Applied Mathematical Modelling,35(10), 5059-5074