Name: Huyuan Zhang
Date of Birth: November 21, 1963
Nationality: China
Institution: College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address: 222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu Province, China
Tel: +86-931-891-5382, Fax: +86-931-891-4561
Email: zhanghuyuan@lzu.edu.cn
Apr 1999-Mar 2002, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, School Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Oct 1999-Mar 1999, Visiting scholar in Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Sep 1984-Jun 1997, M.S. in Engineering Geology, Department of Geology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Sep 1980-Jun 1984, B.S. in Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Department of Geology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jun 2005-present, Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Feb 2005-May 2005, Professor, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jun 2002-Jun 2004, Postdoctoral Research Fellow (JSPS), Graduate school of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan
Sep 1996-Sep 1987, Associate Professor / Lecturer / Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Research Areas
Environmental Geotechnics, Heritage site conservation, Geological disposal for HLW
Refereed Publications
1. Guangwei Zhang, Huyuan Zhang, Bo Yang, Qing Zhang, Ping Liu. Laboratory investigation of the hydraulic performance on a geofilm with various sized flaws. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal. 2018. 17(3):705-710. (SCI)
2. Yi Chen, Huyuan Zhang, Yuanyuan Ju. Effect of acid buffering capacity on the remobilization of heavy metals in sewage sludge barrier for tailings. Archives of Environmental Protection. 2018. 44(2):62-72. (SCI)
3. Li Wei, Shou Xi Chai, Hu Yuan Zhang, Qian Shi. Mechanical properties of soil reinforced with both lime and four kinds of fiber. Construction and Building Materials. 2018. 172:300-308. (SCI)
4. Xianxian Shao, Huyuan Zhang, Yu Tan. Collapse behavior and microstructural alteration of remolded loess under graded wetting tests. Engineering Geology. 2018. 233(31):11-22. (SCI)
5. Yu Peng, Huyuan Zhang, Bingzhuo Yang, Xuewen Wang, Xianxian Shao, and Ping Liu. Ice-bentonite powder mixing method to improve the homogeneity of compacted bentonite in an initial sample preparation stage. Clays and Clay Minerals. 2016, 64(6):706-718. (SCI)
6. Huyuan Zhang, Bo Yang, Guangwei Zhang, Xuechao Zhang. Sewage sludge as barrier material for heavy metals in waste landfill. Archives of Environmental Protection. 2016, 42(2):52-58. (SCI)
7. Hu-yuan Zhang, Shi-bin Zhu, Min Li, Xue-chao Zhang. Water repellency of monument soil treated by Tung Oil. Geotechnical & Geological Engineering. 2016, 34(1):205-216. (EI)
8. Guang-Wei Zhang, Hu-Yuan Zhang, Jin-Fang Wang, Lang Zhou, Ping Liu, Xiao Jiang. Laboratory investigation of self-healing properties on geosynthetic clay liners with flaw. Archives of Environmental Protection. 2015, 41(1):53-58. (SCI)
9. Huyuan Zhang, Qing Zhang, Bo Yang, Jinfang Wang. Compacted sewage sludge as a barrier for tailings: the heavy metal speciation and total organic carbon content in the compacted sludge specimen. PLoS ONE. 2014, 9(6): e100932, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100932. (SCI)
10. Ming Zhang, Huyuan Zhang, Lang Zhou, BaomingWang, Songjiang Wang. Hydro-mechanical analysis of GMZ bentonite-sand mixtures in the water infiltration process as the buffer/backfillmixture in an engineered nuclear barrier. Applied Clay Science. 2014, 97-98:115-124. (SCI)
11. Ping Liu, Huyuan Zhang, Yi Chen, Xianxian Shao, Xinyuan Fu. Research on the retention capacity of ruins soil under drying condition. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014. (580-583):705-710. (EI)
12. Huyuan Zhang, Bo Yang, Yi Chen, Jinfang Wang. Control of rockfall and mudflow at a hillside Buddhist temple site in northwest China. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Proceedings of XII International IAEG Congress, Torino, Italy, 2014. Volume 8, pp.189-192.
13. Zhang Huyuan, Yan Ming, Zhou Lang, Chen Hang. Permeability and migration of Eu(III) in compacted GMZ bentonite-sand mixtures as HLW buffer/backfill material. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Proceedings of XII International IAEG Congress, Torino, Italy, 2014. Volume 6, pp.507-510.
14. Zhang Ming, Zhang Huyuan, Zhou Lang, Jia Lingyan. Temperature Effects on Unsaturated Hydraulic Property of Bentonite-Sand Buffer Backfilling Mixtures. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Mater. Sci. Ed). 2013, 28(3):487-493. (SCI)
15. Lang Zhou, Huyuan Zhang, MingYan, Hang Chen, MingZhang. Laboratory determination of migration of Eu(III) in compacted bentonite-sand mixtures as buffer/backfill material for high-level waste disposal. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2013, 82(10):139-144. (SCI)
16. Huyuan Zhang, Tianyu Zhao, Gengsheng Yan and Bo Yang. Geotechnical approach to earthen architecture durability by cyclic wetting and drying test. European Journal of Scientific Research. 2012. 72(3):326-337. (SCI)
17. Tong Wang, Mingcai Zhang, Qihao Yu, Huyuan Zhang. Comparing the applications of EMD and EEMD on time–frequency analysis of seismic signal. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 2012. (83):29-34. (SCI)
18. Ping Liu, Huyuan Zhang, Ming Zhang, Xudong Wang, Qinglin Guo, Linyi Zhao, Research status and perspective on consolidation techniques for conserving the earthen architecture sites in china. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012. (209-211):9-17. (EI)
19. Ming Zhang, Huyuan Zhang, Suli Cui, Lingyan Jia, Lang Zhou & Hang Chen. Engineering properties of GMZ bentonite-sand as buffer/backfilling material for high-level waste disposal. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2012. 16(10):1216-1237. (SCI)
20. Ming Zhang, Huyuan Zhang, Lingyan Jia and Suli Cui. Salt content impact on the unsaturated property of bentonite-sand buffer backfilling materials. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2012, 250(9):35-41. (SCI)
21. Ming Zhang, Huyuan Zhang, Suli Cui and Lingyan Jia. Approach for Measuring Swelling Stress of Buffer Backfilling Material. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 2012. 4(17):2963-2966. (EI)
22. LI Min, ZHANG HuYuan. Hydrophobicity and carbonation treatment of earthen monuments in humid weather condition. SCIENCE CHINA: Technological Sciences. 2012. 55(8):2313-2320. (SCI)
23. Su-Li Cui, Hu-Yuan Zhang, Ming Zhang. Swelling characteristics of compacted GMZ bentonite–sand mixtures as a buffer/backfill material in China. Engineering Geology. 2012. 141-142(5):65-73. (SCI)
24. Hu-Yuan Zhang, Su-Li Cui, Ming Zhang, Ling-Yan Jia. Swelling behaviors of GMZ bentonite–sand mixtures inundated in NaCl-Na2SO4 solutions. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2012. 242:115-123. (SCI)
25. Hu-yuan ZHANG, Geng-sheng YAN, Xu-dong WANG. Laboratory test on moisture adsorption-desorption of wall paintings at Mogao Grottoes, China. J. Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng). 2012, 13(3):208-218. (SCI)
26. Tianyu Zhao, Huyuan Zhang, Chenxiang Yu. Soil-water characteristics of saline soil in Northwest China. J. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 487: 548-552. (EI)
27. Gengsheng Yan, Huyuan Zhang, Xiaodong Wang, Min Li and Tianyu Zhao. Study on the permeability of reinforced soil with herb fiber under different salt solution concentration. J. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 308-310: 2291-2296. (EI)
28. Zhaohui Li, Huyuan Zhang. Compression properties of granulated rubber-loess mixtures as a fill materials. J. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 71-78: 673-676. (EI)
29. Ming Zhang, Huyuan Zhang, Lingyan Jia, Suli Cui. Water-Holding Property of GMZ Bentonite-Sand Barrier/Backfilling Mixtures. J. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine. 2011; 3(3):249-252. (SCI)
30. Xiaodong Wang, Huyuan Zhang, Gengsheng Yan, Qiangqiang Pei. Durability of ancient earthen architecture under wind erosion in the Milan Ancient City along the Silk Road of China. J. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, 163-167:3230-3236. (EI)
31. Li Zhao-Hui, Zhang Hu-Yuan. Shear strength of granulated rubber and loess mixtures as lightweight geomaterials. 2010 International Conference on E-Product Eservice and E-Entertainment, ICEEE2010. Vol.8, pp.4792-4795. (EI)
32. Suli Cui, Huyuan Zhang, Ming Zhang. Effect of quartz sand on the swelling deformation property of bentonite-sand mixtures as buffer material for HLW disposal. 2010 International Conference on E-Product Eservice and E-Entertainment, ICEEE2010. Vol.8, pp.4526-4529. (EI)
33. Wang B, Zhang H, Fan Z, et al. 2010. Compacted sewage sludge as a barrier for tailing impoundment [J]. Environ Earth Sci. 2010, 61(5):931-937. (SCI)
34. Qinglin Guo, Xudong Wang, Huyuan Zhang, Zuixiong Li, Shanlong Yang. Damage and conservation of the high cliff on the Northern area of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, China[J]. Landslides, 2009, 6:89-100. (SCI)
35. Zhang HuYuan, Wang Bao, Dong XingLing, Feng Lei & Fan ZhiMing. Leachability of heavy metals from solidified sludge[J]. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2009, 52(7):1906-1912. (SCI)